Friendships Are Pivotal

Here at Queens View Harbour Care Home in Ayrshire, we thrive on building new relationships and helping our residents and families feel connected. Our staff values contribute immensely to this, supporting and nurturing new relationships within the care home.
Recently, we took the opportunity to visit the hub of our home; The Sunset Community Café. This café creates a warm and friendly environment where families can get to know one another and build friendships that develop relationships into support systems for each other.
Within our care home, both our residents and families grow within the knowledge that they have developed a trusted, therapeutic relationship with a supporting team of staff, a team they can respect and create a journey with. The families talk about the significance of the strength in these relationships, allowing them to leave after daily visits knowing their loved one is content and being looked after by people they trust.
Queens View Harbour Care Home has created a social hub in the small town of Troon, where families gather for social occasions and celebrations. Relatives get excited to plan meetings with the home for social contact and friendships.
Our relatives quoted, “I feel free to come and go as I please, to visit when I want, to meet friends in the Café and chat, this is important to me and my family. I have become part of group of relatives who support one another, and I feel that the friendly staff play a significant part in this. I know if I am feeling down, I can come along to Queens View Harbour and meet friends, even if my husband isn’t feeling at his best, it's nice to have a coffee and chat with friends who I have made through my journey at QVH.”
Queens View Harbour Care Home continues to promote a positive culture in promoting new friendships and ensuring that people do not feel alone. This is very important to the team here and we're always encouraging our residents to get involved. If you'd like to talk to us more about our care home and the care we provide, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.